Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Substance Abuse as a Community Problem
Substance abuse and drug and alcohol addiction devastate the lives of both the individuals who suffer from the addiction, as well as their families. Unfortunately, as a whole, substance abuse and addiction have a detrimental effect on communities. Substance abuse and drug/alcohol addiction have been shown to extract much more than a financial cost, but one that limits the resources and capabilities of all those touched by the disease of addiction. Driven by first-hand experiences, we’ve set out to eliminate the drug problem in Oak Park and save the lives of its citizens — one life lost, whether a drug fatality or a life surrendered to addiction, is one life too many. It is the mission of the Metropolitan Rehabilitation Center team to provide the highest level of quality substance abuse and methadone treatment for those affected by addiction and alcoholism.
Substance Abuse Treatment Options for Oak Park
Using a proven approach to treating substance abuse, we’ve helped thousands of patients recover from addiction and alcoholism. Our patient-focused services include the following:
- Substance abuse treatment
- Methadone and Suboxone treatment
- Mental health counseling
- Outpatient service
- Urinalysis
- Guest client medication treatment
By providing care with the respect, dignity, and integrity that all patients deserve and should expect of their healthcare professionals, we focus on delivering patient-driven results. We are addiction specialists that care. We offer a safe place where health and sobriety remain our entire objective. Discover your new possibilities through drug-free living. Contact an MRC representative now for a confidential consultation.
Substance Abuse and Addiction
Oak Park and the Detroit area has a drug problem that affects our entire community. Drug addiction is a chronic disease with severe symptoms that claims the lives of those who suffer from it. Despite the consequences, those who suffer from drug addiction have little power or control over their own lives or the ability to resist the substance that they are addicted to without intervention. With the help and support of encouraging caregivers, addicts have a chance to overcome addiction and learn to live a sober life. Many people who do not suffer from addiction have a hard time understanding or empathizing with friends or loved ones who have fallen victim to addictive substances. Check out frequently asked questions (FAQ) page to find more information about substance abuse and addiction.
Substance Abuse Treatment at Metropolitan Rehabilitation Center
At Metro Rehab, we recognize the unique differences between each person and the addiction that they suffer from. To bring about the most positive changes possible, we tailor our substance abuse treatment plans to the individual.
Substance elimination
The first step on the path to sobriety is eliminating the substance from the body — detox, and from the addict’s life. This is why inpatient rehabilitation has much higher success rates than any other form of rehab. While in rehab, patients do not have access to any addictive substance to help reduce surrogate addictions and relapse upon discharge.
Substance abuse treatment
The specific substance abuse treatment plan will depend on the addict and what substance they abuse. While each addictive substance has proven treatment methods, we tailor our approach to the individual. We do offer methadone and suboxone treatments in addition to non-medicinal options. An interdisciplinary team will take all aspects of the patient’s addiction into account when developing a treatment plan.
Drug and mental health counseling
Simply eliminating a substance from someone’s life does not cure the root cause of addiction. And, nearly half of addicts also suffer from some form of mental illness, mental health treatment and counseling is an important part of addiction recovery. Not only can counseling help find the source of addiction to treat the cause, but it can help the individual develop healthy coping mechanisms and realize their own strength and potential.
Relapse prevention and outpatient services
We know that addiction treatment and rehabilitation does not end when patients are discharged from an inpatient treatment program. We offer on-going relapse prevention and outpatient services including counseling, support groups, medication treatment, re-evaluations, and long-term follow-up as needed.
We are fully committed to helping every resident of Oak Park live a healthy, drug-free life. Check out frequently asked questions (FAQ) page for more information about addiction rehabilitation. For more information or to enroll in one of our services, contact us today!